"A base é um item de grande relevância na maquiagem pois serve para uniformizar o tom da pele e suavizar as imperfeiçoes."
A empresa tem se superado a cada dia nos produtos de beleza, inovando no ramo da beleza a cada dia e agora veio repaginando a linha color trend adicionando produtos com benefícios que os consumidores/clientes amam.
"The foundation is a very important item in makeup because it serves to even out the skin tone and soften the imperfections."
The company has outperformed itself every day in beauty products, innovating in the beauty business every day and has now been
revamping the color trend line by adding products with benefits that consumers / customers love.
A Avon lançou recentemente a base de alta cobertura " Matte Real" da linha Color Trend a qual promete os seguintes benefícios:
Avon recently launched the Color Trend high coverage "Matte Real" base which promises the following benefits:
- Alta cobertura: Cobre a pele totalmente;
- Acabamento matte: Pele com aparência sequinha;
- Á prova d' água .
- High coverage: Fully covers the skin;
- Matte Finish: Dry-looking skin;
- Waterproof.
A base atualmente possui 08 cores que são:
The base currently has 08 colors which are:
- Marrom escuro
- Marrom Claro
- Castanho
- Bege escuro
- Bege Médio
- Rosado Médio
- Bege Claro
- Porcelana
Dark brown
Light brown
Dark beige
Medium Beige
Rosy Medium
Light beige
Light brown
Dark beige
Medium Beige
Rosy Medium
Light beige
We acquired the basis for testing, see through the video below our first impressions:
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